BRN-My-Light-ULTRA Front and Rear Bicycle Lights Kit – Rechargeable

Code: 40-13167
BRN-My-Light-ULTRA Front and Rear Bicycle Lights Kit – Rechargeable

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Front Lamp BRN My Light Ultra - 800 Lumen Functions steady/runtime: High intensity 100% (1,2h) Medium intensity 50% (2,1h) Normal intensity 25% 4,3h) Eco intensity (8,1h) Functions flashing/runtime:Flash (20h) SOS (5h) Strobo (5h) Charging time: around 4 hours Battery: Litio 2500mAh ---- * ---- Rear Lamp BRN My Light Ultra - 5 Lumen Functions steady/runtime: Eco beam (4h) Functions flashing/runtime: High intensity (8h) Low intensity (24h) Charging time: around 3 hours Battery: Lithium 200mAh

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