Front rack bicycle light for use with bicycle basket

Code: 40-7428

Front rack bicycle light for use with bicycle basket

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This is a SMART LED Front Rack bicycle light

It uses LED technology and it has 5 functions.

It has 5 Leds.

It uses 2 AAA batteries (not included)

It is a special light that is supposed to be attached on the front bicycle rack. 
It has a low height and special attachment that permit the use of light along with bicycle basket. The basket sits above this light while at the same time the light sits is distance from the bicycle tyre. 

This light slides-in the bicycle rack bracket so you can detach it in order to take it with you after your ride and while your bike is parked.

Weight: 39gr (including bracket)
Size: 6.3x5.3x2.5cm


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